7 Reasons Why People Love miraDry®

miraDry® is making quite a splash among men and women that are tired of feeling sweaty or stinky all the time. The FDA-approved technology is designed to eliminate excessive underarm sweating and odor for drier and fresher armpits.

Here, Baltimore plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster reveals the top seven reasons why people love miraDry.

1. Eliminates Sweat and Sweat Stains

miraDry uses special technology to destroy the sweat and odor glands underneath the arms. After treatment, the armpits do not produce sweat. Destroying these sweat glands does not interfere with the body’s ability to cool itself; neither does it cause other areas to sweat more in an effort to compensate. miraDry patients simply stop sweating under the arms and stay cool and dry!

2. Eliminates Underarm Odor

miraDry also eliminates bothersome underarm odor. This is wonderful for people that are used to feeling ashamed or embarrassed by a strong or pungent odor in the armpits.

3. No More Embarrassing White Deodorant Marks

Many miraDry patients no longer have to wear deodorant after treatment. Gone is the stress and worry about ruining expensive shirts with ugly white deodorant marks.

4. Safe and Non-Toxic

miraDry is great for anyone that has safety concerns about the chemicals in antiperspirant and deodorant products. miraDry treatment is safe and toxin-free.

5. Permanent Results

Most patients see dramatic immediate results in just one treatment. There is usually 75-80 percent reduction after one treatment. If a second treatment is desired, it can be performed around three months later, with the expectations of achieving 90-95 percent total reduction. Once the desired outcomes are achieved, those results are considered to be permanent. After the sweat glands have been destroyed, they won’t work again.

6. Boost of Confidence

Because miraDry patients no longer have to worry about sweat, stains or odor, most of them experience an enormous boost in self-confidence. They love being able to go to business meetings, give presentations, meet new people and engage in other exciting situations without giving underarm sweat or odor a second thought.

7. Reduction in Underarm Hair

As an additional benefit of the miraDry technology, there is permanent hair removal. The hair follicles are killed in much of the same manner as the sweat gland. The best part about this is that it treats all hair color and skin types.

To learn more about miraDry, please contact Baltimore plastic surgeon Ronald Schuster and request an informational consultation. Call or email our practice today.



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