Gynecomastia is common but that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing for men who experience it. If you have the appearance of male breasts or “man boobs,” you know it affects all areas of your life: the way you interact with friends and family, how you perceive yourself, and your confidence moving through your day. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery is a very effective way to address this condition.
You may be wondering if your procedure will involve the removal of fat, glandular tissue, or both. First of all, a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Ronald Schuster must be scheduled so that he can listen to your concerns and your goals, and examine the chest tissue. At this point he will be able to determine if the gland needs to be removed, or if liposuction for fat alone is adequate.
Most of the male breast reductions Dr. Schuster performs involve the following to obtain the best results:
- Liposuction to remove excess fat tissue
- Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction to break up and remove the denser, firmer fat in the chest
- Direct removal (excision) of the glandular tissue contributing to an enlarged breast
Dr. Schuster’s surgical technique utilizes small incisions made on the side of the chest. This is known as the lateral pull through technique. With this one incision, Dr. Schuster both performs liposuction and removes the glandular tissue, thereby avoiding overly noticeable scars made directly under the areola.
Removing the glandular tissue is an important step in most gynecomastia procedures. If too much tissue is removed on certain people, an undesirable saucer-like concavity may result. Your surgeon must understand the underlying tissue that is causing the enlargement, and must be able to tailor the surgical process to that tissue so that your final results blend in with the appearance of your chest and abdomen. During the procedure, Dr. Schuster will determine whether some tissue needs to be left behind in order to create a natural appearance and chest contour.
Find Out If You Are a Candidate for Male Breast Reduction
If you live in Baltimore or the surrounding areas and want to learn more about Dr. Schuster’s gynecomastia technique or other procedures for men, please call our experienced team in Lutherville-Timonium at 410-902-9800.