Does a Mommy Makeover Treat Diastasis Recti?

Before and after image of a tummy tuck The short answer is yes, a mommy makeover can certainly include correction of diastasis recti! At the practice of experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster, your procedure is customized to your goals for your body. If you are unhappy with diastasis recti or a puffy tummy following pregnancy, then Dr. Schuster can determine whether your mommy makeover can restore a flatter, firmer abdominal area. To learn more, please call our team in Baltimore at 410-902-9800.

What is diastasis recti?

Diastasis recti exists when the fascia connecting the large muscles overlying your abdomen stretches. Sometimes the fascia gets so stretched that the muscles separate, leaving a visible vertical indentation behind your belly button. The condition may also be apparent as a soft bulging in the center of your abdomen.

This condition is completely harmless, but many women are unhappy with how it affects the appearance of their abdomen. No number of crunches or planks can repair the stretched tissue, although you may experience some return to normal in the first year following childbirth. For most women with abdominal muscles that have been thinned and weakened by pregnancy, surgical correction is the most effective, flattering treatment option.

How does a mommy makeover repair diastasis recti?

If this condition is present, Dr. Schuster can repair the separation as part of the tummy tuck procedure, which is commonly included in a mommy makeover.

Depending on your body, the procedure may include removing the excess abdominal fat and skin, as well as stitching the separated abdominal fascia back together. The result is a flatter, firmer, more toned abdomen. In a mommy makeover, the tummy tuck may be combined with liposuction, breast lift or other procedures focused on rejuvenating your post-baby body.

Find Out if a Tummy Tuck will Address a Puffy Tummy

Ready to find out if you are a good candidate for mommy makeover surgery in Baltimore? Please take the next step in the process by calling our team at 410-902-9800. Dr. Schuster is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who is wholly committed to achieving your individual goals.



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