When Can I Wear Glasses After My Rhinoplasty?
The amount of time you need to wait before wearing glasses following your surgery depends on the type of adjustments being made to your nose during the procedure.
During the first week of recovery, you will have to wear a splint on the outside of your nose. After that splint is removed, you need to wait at least 2-3 weeks. If substantial work is done to the bridge of your nose where your glasses usually rest, you may have to wait upwards of 5 weeks before you can wear them again. However, many patients find that taping their glasses to their forehead helps. Some patients also use special clamps that allow their glasses to rest on their cheeks.
Can I Wear a Mask During My Recovery?
If you are going out and need to wear a mask, make sure it is made of cloth and fits loosely over your nose. As long as the mask is not pressing or pulling down on the nose, it will not cause any complications. About 6-8 weeks following your rhinoplasty, you can make your mask slightly tighter if needed.
When Can I Return to Work?
After about 3-6 days, most of the swelling will subside from your rhinoplasty procedure. Most patients return to work after the first week of recovery. After three weeks, you should be able to return to all of your normal day-to-day activities.
Have More Questions About Rhinoplasty Recovery?
If you want to know more about the rhinoplasty recovery process or are considering a nose job, call us today at 410-902-9800 to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster. He can go over your aesthetic goals and design a custom treatment plan that will help you achieve your desired look. We proudly serve patients living in Baltimore, Owings Mills, Towson, and surrounding Maryland communities.