Gynecomastia is not something you need to live with. Whether you are a teenager, young adult, or later in years, treatment for your “man boobs” is effective and much easier than you think. I have been treating men with gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) for almost twenty years and have seen a huge increase in the number of men coming to the office over the past five years. I suspect it is due to inceased awareness and information obtained through the internet. Depending on the severity of the breast enlargement, surgery can include any one, or a combination of, liposuction, ultrasonic assisted liposuction, direct excision with pull through techniques, and direct excision of the excess skin. The surgery is performed as a short outpatient procedure. Recovery is relatively easy and usually you can return to work/school by the end of a week.
Write to me with your concerns and questions.
Dr. S