A defined jawline is a hallmark of an attractive face. A well-defined jawline with a balanced chin can improve your profile and contribute to a youthful appearance.
If your jawline has softened or changed shape with age, or if you were not naturally endowed with a slim jaw and proportionate chin, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. In addition to a variety of facial plastic surgery options, Dr. Schuster offers a number of non-surgical treatments to add definition and balance to your facial appearance.
Non-Surgical Options to Improve Your Chin and Jaw Line
- Kybella: A popular alternative to neck liposuction, Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys unwanted fat cells and creates a more slender shaped neck which helps to better define your chin and jawline.
- Dermal fillers: Injectable fillers have become the workhorse for non-surgical contouring of the chin and jawline. When injected along the mandible, dermal fillers can create a more defined chin and jawline contour. Dramatic changes can often be obtained in a single safe office visit..
- BOTOX® Cosmetic: Harnessing the power of botulinum toxin type A, BOTOX® Cosmetic fights wrinkles by relaxing muscles. It can also be used to enhance the jawline and slim the face of patients with enlarged masseter muscles. Large masseter muscles give a bulky square shape to the back of the jaw.
- CoolSculpting: FDA-approved for the reduction of chin and jawline fat, CoolSculpting freezes away stubborn pockets of unwanted fat to create more defined contours along the chin and jawline.
Which Option Is Best For Me?
The best way to determine which of the many non-surgical chin and jaw contouring options is right for you is to meet personally with Dr. Schuster in a confidential, one-on-one consultation at our office. During this initial consult, Dr. Schuster will evaluate your facial contours and explain all of your treatment options. Together, you will customize an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically for you.
Contact Our Baltimore Plastic Surgeon
To learn more about the non-surgical chin and jawline treatment options offered by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster, please contact our office today by using the form on this page or calling 410-902-9800 to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in Baltimore and the surrounding areas of Maryland.