Nose Re-Shaping was the Number 1 Procedure in 2020

A before and after image of a young womans nose after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a nose re-shaping procedure, which hundreds of thousands of Americans undergo each year. This time-tested surgery addresses various flaws and imperfections related to nose shape, septum deviation, nose size, the nose bridge, and the nostrils.

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in America last year changed much of how we lived and worked. One aspect of these changes took place in the plastic surgery industry. Although overall procedures were down 14 percent as a result of stay-at-home orders and hesitancy to get elective surgery, there were still 2.3 million procedures performed in 2020 (and more if you include non-invasive treatments). While breast augmentation had been the Number 1 procedure in the U.S. for many years, the top procedures in 2020 focused on the face.

Rhinoplasty was in first position in the top procedures of 2020, with 352,555 procedures performed, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This was only a 3 percent decrease compared to 2019, which is pretty impressive demand for nose surgery considering how the pandemic affected all our lives last year.

Of the 2020 rhinoplasty patients, 82 percent were female, but this nose procedure was the Number 1 procedure among females and males. Rhinoplasty was performed on patients of all ages from age 13 up, with people age 20-29 making up the largest age group at 31 percent of total procedures.

It is perhaps no surprise that facial enhancement and rejuvenation took the top spots in 2020 given the shift to online video conferencing. While there were many Americans who had to report to the job site as usual, there was also a sizeable percentage of the population that shifted to working from home and therefore using video chat. According to Pew Research Center, among employed adults who said their jobs could be done from home, 71 percent were working from home in December 2020 compared to 20 percent before the coronavirus outbreak. This translated to many Americans gazing at their own faces during every meeting! This up-close-and-personal look at our own faces may explain why face and nose procedures were the most popular. Rhinoplasty in particular has the ability to bring all of your facial features into harmony.

Is Rhinoplasty Right for You?

During a one-on-one consultation in Baltimore, experienced nose surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster can determine if rhinoplasty will achieve your goals. To learn more, please call our staff today at 410-902-9800.



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